Life is a mix of moments, each unique and irreplaceable. Just last month, I had written about steadfast rhythms of existence, acknowledging the need to embrace the changing seasons that shape our journey. This month, our community has been touched by the poignant reminder that life is fragile, and the strings that hold it together can be unexpectedly cut. It’s a reminder of how scope can sometimes fatally creep without the solace/comfort of buffers or trade-offs. Selah
This month, we gathered in a candle lit ceremony to honor the memory of KY, who departed from our midst with little or no warning. In presence of her relatives and friends, we shared tributes, we felt the weight of her absence, a reminder that life’s ebb and flow can sometimes catch us off guard. Weeks later, I was lucky enough to attend her funeral; I had the honor of being the cameraman for the day and also a member of the band of “coffin carriers” – what struck me deeply was the story of a member of her own family who had harbored a lingering rift and was unable to reconcile before her untimely departure.
This profound experience underscores the extreme importance of living in the moment, of cherishing the connections we have, and mending the ones that may have frayed when within our power. Life’s impermanence teaches us that there is no time for grudges within those that mean the world to us, for unspoken words, or for waiting until it’s too late.
As we embrace these principles, “amor fati” – the love of one’s fate, and “memento mori” – the reminder of our mortality, stand as beacons of wisdom. They remind us to appreciate life’s impermanence, to live it fully, and to remember that in embracing our mortality, we truly “memento vivere” – remember to live.
We affirm, we will not bow to sadness or fear of the unknown. We will seize each day and make the most of the moments. We will remain steadfast with acts of kindness while aligning to our moral compasses…And, as I said when I paid my last tribute as we poured dust onto KY’s coffin… We Outside Still, more so than ever … You know the vibes, Pull up!

RIP KY🕊️🕊️🕯️
If anything, death is that feeling I struggle to get past and it changes you. Live as though it was your last. Don’t postpone grudges, happiness & opportunities. Life can change in seconds. Rest In Peace Kite. Y.🕊️🕯️💔. You are missed!