Scrum Master as an Impediment Remover

The Scrum Master As An Impediment Remover
As an impediment remover, the Scrum Master supports the team in solving problems. Scrum Masters try to increase the team’s ability to resolve problems on their own. This is something that teams have to learn, and the Scrum Master helps them do so. What may be considered an impediment during the first Sprint, may have become a problem that the team can easily resolve by itself during a future Sprint. So, an impediment is something that impedes the Scrum
team’s progress towards achieving a (Sprint/Product-)
goal and exceeds their self-managing capabilities to
resolve on their own.
The type of impediments a Scrum Master needs to
resolve change over time. The average team starts with many impediments to the understanding of Scrum and the Scrum team formation. When the majority of issues are solved there, technology issues enter the focus.
Once these are solved, organizational impediments
within the value chain (adjacent processes) are popping up (e.g. QA issues, requirements engineering issues, deployment, …). And when the whole value chain is optimized for Scrum, process issues outside the value chain are encountered (e.g. budgeting,career paths,strategy processes,…)

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