Testimonials & FAQs

What do Scrum Vibers Say?

I would say as a member of the Scrum Vibes Community:
It has been for me a great pleasure and a learning opportunity as a certified Scrum Master still on a Journey. Also this Community has tought me much about Agile/Scrum and has also thought me about normal life and work life ethics.
We stand together.

Fabrice J.

I am thankful for the Scrum Vibes community as they have really helped me on my journey of being a Scrum Master. The support and vibes you get from the community is uplifting and constantly pushing you to be better. Everyone can find their place in this community and are welcomed with open arms.

Marie R.

The Scrum Vibes community has been a great platform for me during my ScrumMaster journey, I met new Scrum Masters with great experience and we’re able to interact and talk about the Scrum framework, interview questions and also enjoy nice music to calm my nerves after a long stressful day. I will recommend the Scrum Vibes community to every new Scrum Master.

Linda P.

Being a part of the scrum vibes community has been rewarding in that it has connected me to people of diverse backgrounds and I have been able to learn and grow from their different experiences. The Scrum Vibes community is very warm and welcoming I would encourage anyone to join!

Delilah V.

Scrum vibes community has helped me grow my confidence level from ground zero to the top. I have watched scrum masters with zero experience sound like mature scrum masters/ agile coaches over the course of a few meetings and participation on the hot seat. I also like that I am able to connect with a few people that have been so helpful towards my career goals and success and happy that the platform allows me to give back.

Cedric O.

Scrum Vibes FAQs

About the Community:

1.    What is Scrum Vibes?

Scrum Vibes is a community of people who are in various places on their journey towards becoming Scrum Masters. We meet together often to network, learn from one another and encourage one another.

2.    Who is this community for? 

This community is for everyone. It’s a mix of vibes and Agile talk. Primarily, people who are on a journey to IT especially via scrum/project management will benefit maximally from the more focused discussions.

3.    How can I join Scrum Vibes?

You can join Scrum Vibes simply by joining us in the clubhouse, participating on this website or both.

4.    How was Scrum Vibes created and who are the founders?

The Founder of Scrum Vibes is Coach J; it was created on clubhouse Feb 2022

Community Values:

5.    What are the core values of the Scrum Vibes community?

The values of Scrum Vibes are respect, politeness, punctuality, smart work and of course good vibes.

6.    How does Scrum Vibes incorporate these values into its community activities?

Scrum Vibes incorporates these values into its activities by having equal parts scrum talk and equal parts play at all events

Resource Pages:

7.    What resources can I find on the Scrum Vibes website?

On the Scrum Vibes page you can find articles and presentations on scrum and agile practices. You can find job application tips along with news and events going on in the scrum and agile community. 

8.    How can I contribute resources to Scrum Vibes?

On the website you will be able to create a profile page which will grant you access to upload and post in the different forums.

Music Page:

9.    Why is there a dedicated music page on Scrum Vibes?

Here at Scrum Vibes we take the vibes aspect of scrum vibes just as seriously as we take the scrum aspect. We have a dedicated DJ “DJ Scrummy” who facilitates the vibes and so it’s normal that we should appreciate his mixes on our page. (Fun fact, DJ scrummy = Coach J 😁)

10. How can I contribute to the music page or suggest new music?

Send a request during Scrum Vibes clubhouse rooms to DJ scrummy.

Social Media Links:

11. Where else can I follow Scrum Vibes on social media?

You can follow Scrum Vibes on twitter @scrumvibes, on instagram @scrumvibes and on clubhouse by searching for the Scrum Vibes house.

12. How can I share Scrum Vibes content on my social media?

You are welcome to share any of the Scrum Vibes links on your social media platform

Membership and Participation:

13. How can I participate in Scrum Vibes activities?

Look out for clubhouse meetings on Tuesdays and Thursdays around 8pm EST, look out for Zoomathons, and also be on the lookout for in person meetups organized by our coach 

14. Are there any membership fees or costs involved in joining Scrum Vibes?

No. Joining the Scrum Vibes community is totally free.

15. How can I suggest a new initiative or project for Scrum Vibes?

Send email to thescrumvibes@gmail.com


16. How can I contact the Scrum Vibes team?

Please reach us at admin@carpediemscrum.org for further enquiries or the admin on +1(781)975-3282, if you cannot find the answer to your question.

17. How can I volunteer or get more involved with Scrum Vibes?


 You can volunteer by reaching out to Coach J on any of these platforms: twitter @scrumvibes instagram @scrumvibes and on club house search for Scrum Vibes.